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NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Wireless module jopa 1000 m etäisyyksille, antenni mukana

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NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Wireless module jopa 1000 m etäisyyksille, antenni mukana
NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Wireless module jopa 1000 m etäisyyksille, antenni mukana
NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Wireless module jopa 1000 m etäisyyksille, antenni mukana
Toimituskulut alk.
15,00 €
11,95 € ALV 0,00 %

Tuote SNR240579. NRF24L01 + PA + LNA Wireless module jopa 1000 m etäisyyksille, antenni mukana. Yleiskäyttöinen langaton moduuli erillaisten laitteiden ohjaukseen langattomasti. Netissä paljon ohjeita vaikkapa arduino käyttöön. Alan ihmiset tietävät mitä tällä tehdään.


NRF24L01P + PA + LNA wireless module operates in Free license 2.4G ISM band, you can do point to point application and can also be composed of star network. The Data transmission chip NRF24L01+, and match with the department's professional design, Add the the chip of power PA and LNA, RF switch, band pass filter composed of a professional full two-way RF power amplifier, making the effective communication distance has been greatly expanded. Small size: 45.54mm x 16.46mm, easy to embed in any space-constrained products, customers can use the SPI port of Arduino or any other MCU to control NRF24L01P + PA + LNA, Wireless module to complete long distance wireless data transmission system design.


- It uses 2.4G global open ISM band, with license free.

- Transmit power is greater than +20 dbm.

- Support six-channel data reception.

- 2Mbit/s speed makes high-quality VoIP possible

- Low operating voltage: 2.7 to 3.6V

- Multi-frequency points: 125 frequency points meet the needs of multi-point communications and frequency hopping.

- Low cost: integrated with high-speed signal processing parts associated with RF protocol, such as: automatically re-send lost packets and generate acknowledge signal;

- SPI interface facilitates the communication with MCU I/O port.

- Facilitate the development for customers, without development RF part.

- Software programming is fully compatible with NRF24L01 modules.

- Size: 37.4mm * 16.6mm

Applications: remote control, telemetry, wireless meter reading, access control systems, residential paging, industrial data acquisition systems, wireless tags, identification, contactless RF smart card, small wireless data terminal, fire safety systems, wireless remote control systems, bio-signal acquisition, wireless 232, wireless 422/485 data communications.


- Operating Frequency: 2400MHz ~ 2524MHz

- Modulation: GMSK

- Transmit power: more than +20 dbm, 50Ω

- Receiver sensitivity:-95dbm

- Operating voltage: 2.7V ~ 3.6V

- Max Emission current: 115mA

- Max Receive current: 45mA

- Operating temperature: -45 degrees to +85 degrees

- Storage temperature: -45 degrees to +125 degrees

- Gain Of PA: 20 dB

- Gain Of LNA: 10 dB


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