RTC moduuli vaikkapa arduino käyttöön
Etusivu > Arduinot, moduulit jne > Muita moduuleja ja antureita
Tuote SCM240379. RTC moduuli vaikkapa arduino käyttöön. Toteutettu piirillä DS3231. Paristo ei mukana (CR2032) Tuote 107479. Netissä paljon ohjeita vaikkapa arduino käyttöön. Käyttöjännite 3.3 ... 5 VDC. Jos käytät ei ladattavaa 2032 paristoa, juota pois diodi joka on tuossa IC -piirin vieressä.
Features of the time module
- DS3231 real-time clock module
- Allows you to read the time in the form of hour, minute and second and the date: month day, year.
- The communication interface is the I2C bus (SDA and SCL lines)
- The data refresh rate is 1 Hz (1 second).
- Available data: Time: hour (AM, PM), minute, second, Date: month, day, year Accurate calendar up to the year 2100
- The module has goldpin leads, allowing it to be connected to any runner kit or dedicated circuit board using available wires.
- Compatible with arduino UNO and MEGA 2560
- Application for contact boards, runtime modules, arduino, etc.
Technical data of the module
- DS3231 real-time RTC clock module
- It has an AT24C32 memory
- Chip DS3231
- Power supply 2.3-5.5V
- Battery cage: CR2032 (not included)
- Current consumption: less than 200 nA
- SPI bus communication (SDA, SCL)
- Bus address: 0x68
- Communication interface: I2C
- Refresh rate: 1 Hz (1 second)
- Specifies: seconds, hours, minutes, months, days of the week and years
- Accuracy:
- at 0 °C to +40 °C: +/- 2 ppm
- at -40 °C to +85 °C: +/- 3.5 ppm
- Dimensions: 38x22mm
- The 5 V supply voltage is connected to the pin marked with the same symbol.
- The I2C bus should be connected to the leads of the
- SCL - clock line
- SDA - data line.
- The SQW pin is the output of a rectangular signal with the selected frequency
- GND is the ground of the circuit.
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