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Miniature motor 3V, 1.5 - 4.5V, shaft diameter 2 mm

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Miniature motor 3V, 1.5 - 4.5V, shaft diameter 2 mm
Miniature motor 3V, 1.5 - 4.5V, shaft diameter 2 mm
Miniature motor 3V, 1.5 - 4.5V, shaft diameter 2 mm
Miniature motor 3V, 1.5 - 4.5V, shaft diameter 2 mm
Product code
Delivery costs from
3,20 €
2,55 € VAT 0,00 %

Product 109539. Miniature motor toy motor 3V DC (1.5 - 4.5V) Arduino robots and other wonderful things, shaft diameter 2 mm, length. approx. 8 mm. Frame max. length approx. 29 mm, body diameter approx. 15 x 20 mm. No-load current 1.5V approx. 160mA / 2V approx. 170mA / 3V approx. 180mA / 4V approx. 220mA / 5V approx. 250mA. Short-circuit current 3V approx. 1.5A. Weight approx. 17 g. The shaft of this motor mounts tightly to all our gears / pulleys etc where the 2mm hole is stated. Also suitable for Arduino and robotics applications. Remember that these small toy motors break easily if they are used even momentarily with overvoltage or the power consumption is too high. DC motor. Size 130.

This engine is mechanically suitable for e.g. to our plastic-shell gearmotors, with this motor you get a modified rpm for the standard models. Arduino.

Mitattuja kierrosnopeuksia eri jännitteillä, kierrosnopeusarvot ovat suuntaa-antavia "kuormittamattoman moottorin kierroslukuja", moottorin akselilla oleva kuorma vaikuttaa erittäin paljon kierroslukuun ja tietenkin myös virrankulutukseen.



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SP-Elektroniikka Oy
Merikoskenkatu 12
FI-90500, Oulu
tel. +358-8-5565 858
Business ID: 1007918-9